Solve or remove a problem
Sometimes solving a problem is not powerful enough, you need to remove the problem in order to create a compelling proposition to users.
Sometimes solving a problem is not powerful enough, you need to remove the problem in order to create a compelling proposition to users.
Effectual reasoning, as opposed to causal reasoning, can be defined as the **ability to chase goals based on resources available**. It is about adapting to changing circumstances, and not focusing on trying to change the context in order to succeed.
When I started my first company, I brought with me my scientifically oriented way of thinking. I thought that objectivity and facts were enough to push forward. It took me a while to understand that scipreneurship requires a much more holistic approach to problem solving and opportunity identification.
Doing things that can scale is fundamental when they are part of the core of the business. The fine line between adaptability and growth is hard to navigate, but crucial for starting businesses.
Developing scipreneurial skills involves offering scientists opportunities for real-world practice and mentorship, along with creating a nurturing environment. This change is essential for fostering innovation and bridging the gap between science and business.
Professors can become enablers for the creation of startups without becoming entrepreneurs themselves. With their networks, access to grants, and institutional support, their value can revolve around softer aspects.
Becoming an entrepreneur and a founder was definitely not in my plans when I started my PhD. A serendipitous trajectory pushed me to a fascinating journey.
Understanding the differences between mentor, consultant, and partner is crucial to deciding who do you need to onboard in your company.
Academic entrepreneurship is too focused on professors, perhaps it’s time to acknowledge, empower, and give visibility to younger scientists.
Extracellular Vesicles are a fascinating topic of research in biology and biomedical sciences. These particles, released by all cells, are fundamental agents for intracellular communication in complex organisms.
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